The Oregon Coalition of Community Charter Schools and the Oregon Department of Education are excited to co-present the only statewide gathering of Oregon’s charter school community!
School leaders and administrators, board members, and charter school supporters attend the conference from across the state to learn, network and share best practices amongst fellow charter colleagues.
Conference Presentations
Cash Flow Management - Oregon Association of School Business Officials
Legal Update for Charter Schools - Jordan Ramis, PC
Empowering Students and Boosting Confidence Beyond the Classroom - Lighthouse Academies
Staff-Led Referrals & Hiring Campaigns - Lamb Consulting
"It's a Long Way to the Top": Leader-Driven Communities of Practice - 360 Accelerator
When Opposites Don't Attract: Navigating Team Dynamics - Educational Excellence
Special Education and Section 504 in Oregon Charter Schools - Schulman Lopez Hoffer Adelstein
Strategic Planning for Charter School Success: Navigating Challenges and Maximizing Opportunities - BreakThrough Consulting, Evergreen Virtual Academy (EVA), River's Edge Academy Charter School (REACH)
Thursday, November 14
& Friday, November 15, 2024
Valley River Inn
1000 Valley River Way
Eugene, OR 97401

Questions? Email Iris Maria Chavez at iris@orc3s.org.